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Holly Grove Primary Academy


At Holly Grove Primary School we aim to provide a learning atmosphere which gives children the opportunity and confidence to discuss, investigate and enjoy mathematics and so develop into successful mathematicians in their adult life.

Mathematics teaching at Holly Grove is designed to equip children with the necessary skills to become fluent and accurate mathematicians as they move through the school and prepare for the next phase of their education.

Teachers use White Rose Maths as a teaching tool and Mathematics is taught on a daily basis following the National Curriculum Programme of Study.

Teaching is designed to equip children with the necessary skills to become fluent and accurate in their working, and develops learning and understanding by use of concrete resources and pictorial representations where appropriate.

Learning progression is achieved through using the method of beginning with concrete resources, leading to using pictorial representations and finally mastery of abstract concepts. Pupils learn to use and apply mental and practical strategies to solve problems that they may face in day-to-day life. We aim to make maths as practical and fun as possible, using it in other areas of the curriculum as appropriate to make mathematics meaningful and purposeful.

Children have opportunities to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving whilst exploring mathematical concepts .

Regular challenges are set for all children to apply reasoning skills to problems and to prove that they have really ‘mastered’ their learning. More complex challenges are also set for children to experience working at greater depth. This approach enables more confident mathematicians to be stretched and challenged, whilst some children will need more consolidation of other mathematical skills. 


At Holly Grove we aim to equip every child with a high-quality mathematics education, which provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. 



Maths Curriculum Pathway.pdf

What our children say about maths at Holly Grove

Yearly Overviews for Mathematics

In addition to our mathematics teaching in school we provide two online mathematics learning tools. Prodigy Maths provides children with a platform for  revision of taught skills, as well as games. Times Table Rock Stars is also provided as a fun and effective way to develop fluency in multiplication.

Other websites that you could use at home are:





Maths Home Learning

Children in Early Years can have great fun practising their Maths skills whilst having fun outdoors. Here are a few activities that you could do with them:


The following booklets contain questions which will help your child practise what they have been learning in their Maths lessons at school:

Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four

Year Five

Year Six

Maths -EYFS